What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident in New Jersey

After a shopping trip, or dinner with friends, no one anticipates sustaining an injury and entering a complicated battle for compensation. Slip-and-falls occur when you least expect them and come with financial worry and stress. However, whether you were injured in a parking lot, apartment building, or movie theater, per New Jersey law, the property owner has a legal obligation to keep the premises safe. If you slipped and fell due to hazardous conditions, they may have violated their duty of care and could be held financially responsible for their carelessness and your damages.

If this has happened to you, contact us at Harrell Law Firm. Put experience on your side and send a message to the insurance company that you will not settle for less than your claim is worth. Keep reading for more information about what you should do after a slip and fall accident.

Assess Your Injuries

Your safety is paramount following a fall. Avoid sudden movements to ensure you don’t exacerbate any slip and fall injuries. An uncalculated move like standing up too fast or rolling over is especially dangerous if you have a back injury. Similarly, if your ankle is already beginning to swell, do not put weight on it. If there is a tingling present in your arms and legs or you can’t move any of your extremities, stay still until paramedics arrive and can gauge the severity of your injuries. 

Confer With Witnesses or Tell Someone About the Accident

If a friend was with you during the accident or a concerned bystander comes to check on you, ask them to call the authorities and report your accident. For slip and fall cases on commercial property, a manager or employee may be present to report the accident. If you fall at work, tell your employer as soon as possible When you trip on private property, the owner needs to be informed.

Reporting the accident ensures an official incident record, strengthening your case when you pursue compensation. Obtain a copy of the accident report, and ask if you can have a copy of video surveillance if there is one.

Take Photographs and Gather Evidence

The accident report is a great starting point, but gathering more evidence will reinforce your claim. If possible, take pictures of the hazard that caused you to slip–a photo of a patch of ice or a spill in a grocery aisle will help prove the property owner violated their duty of care. If you can, have someone take pictures of your injuries. Next, record a description of your accident in your phone notes or a notepad. Include all the critical facts: the date, time, location, who you reported the accident to, and who witnessed it. If you can, get contact information from the witnesses so they can serve as potential witnesses in your case. 

Seek Medical Attention 

Always go to an urgent care, hospital, or doctor’s office following a slip and fall accident in New Jersey. Even if you believe you have negligible injuries such as cuts and bruises–cuts can get infected, and bruises can signal more serious internal damage. A medical professional can diagnose the injury and devise a treatment plan. Seeking immediate medical attention is also advantageous for your claim. By having accident-related medical records, you can show an insurance company that you took action to reduce your damages.

Contact Us at Harrell Law Firm for a Free Consultation

Don’t navigate the aftermath of your accident alone. Contacting a lawyer is one of the most critical steps in your recovery. While you focus on healing, a dedicated and hard-working New Jersey slip-and-fall attorney from Harrell Law Firm will begin gathering evidence and building a winnable case on your behalf. If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident in Monmouth County, Wall Township, or Howell Township, contact us today for a complimentary consultation. 

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